Babies Briefcase

These interactive experiences are specifically relative to children. We strive for outcomes that are contingent upon developmentally appropriate practices. We provide extra resources for your teaching briefcase. Get ready to enhance your teaching practices and learn to provide equitable experiences for children.

The Intelligent Eight 

How do children learn? This experience depicts how to intentionally plan and teach within children’s interests. We will discuss Logical/Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Naturalist, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal learning styles.

Howard Gardner believed that we may all have these intelligences, but our profile of these intelligences may differ individually based on genetics or experience. 

Resources at the Crib? 

This double jointed experiences is for parents. This experience explains how to make use of your resources at home for educational purposes. You can foster developmental appropriate learning right from your home or your child’s crib.

Training In Transitions 

Transitions involve changes in the world around you (e.g., changes in place, activity, or routine). With each transition, you adjust internally to handle the change. Children experience transitions in a multitude of ways. This experience will describe the importance of transitions in an early learning setting. We will learn how to illustrate the how and why —using transitions at the beginning, during and end of the day. Here or there, transitions are everywhere!

Assessment Amusement

This is the part everyone hates or doesn’t understand. This experience explains how assessment should drive instruction. Educators should be equipped to assess early learners; who deserve to be set up for success in the classroom first. Let me amuse you, children can be assessed in many ways. How do you properly measure/assess your children’s development? We will examine progression, objectives and implementation.

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